Seeing Bowie in Amsterdam! June 11.2004
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A night in a bus... view on a trucker's casino at the highway...
This is the coffeemachine of the bus
The first thing I saw at 5:00 am at Amsterdam Central Station
Shopping in Amsterdam (
king for water)
Who's that hiding in the ..shadow...?
...seems this is a good place...
Help! Where's the venue??!
luckily I have no picture of that "Zoo-Situation" in that cage... and luckily no one offered us bananas...)
Sailor, ever used that men's toilet? (the grey thing in the middle)
...waiiiting sooo long....!
The ceiling...
Our special guest number one.
Shame - I never knew her name. But she's the daughter of
Old-Stone Ron Wood (who was peeping through the curtain)
Our special guest number two: dutch Rocker Anouk.
I think, most people were quite happy with the two support-gigs.
I have seen it with my own eyes! The pengalope! It's here in the middle! Well, a bad picture. You might think it is fake. But I have seen it. I swear.
And the pink bunny?! Harvey, help!
da-da - da - damm...
aw...he's just waving. I know.
..don't forget to keep your head...
The visual echo
Bowie's sweaty back (hard working)
that's better.
Playing with your belt makes stiff fingers and a dumb brain.
This is how it looks when Bxxx takes pictures.
..playing the guitaaaar...
..playing with big balls
What beauty!
..a lonely guy in the woods
Be careful with huge guitars, when you are a small guy.
Slicky smoking
Clap! ...Grrrrrr...!
...byebye...! CU in Prague!
xxxx with her balloon.
...walking on clouds...
Oh, show us - the way to the...Afterparty...! (somehwere in the redlight-zone) - Unfortunately this wasn't the partyplace...
The ticket...
Here is a space for all the pictures, which I did not take -
or which I took but thought it would be better not to post them... ;-)) -- lope(-arazzo)
..Weed between buildings... pictures on my smartcard....
Leaving Amsterdam at 6:00 a.m. Waiting for the tram. It's cold and
raining...and I am tired.
And still feel a little bit sick till now (*cough*)...